Welcome to the catie resource hub.
CATIE 2025
Pre-Institute Coursework
CATIE Pre-Institute Workbook Activities
Introduction to Adaptive Interventions
Introduction to Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial Designs (SMART)
An Introduction to Adaptive Interventions and SMART Designs in Education
Experimental design and primary data analysis methods for comparing adaptive interventions.

2025 Content
SMART Study Design
& Data Analysis
General Resources
Preparation & the Research Lifecycle
Adaptive Interventions: Introductory Review
Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials: Introductory Review
SMART Case Studies
Analyzing SMART Data Part I: Main Effects
Analyzing SMART Data Part II: Comparing Adaptive Interventions
Analyzing SMART Data Part III: Moderators & Tailoring Variables
Repeated Outcome Measures
Clustered SMARTs
Beyond SMARTs

Virtual Days Content
Special Topics
Repeated Outcome Measures
Clustered SMARTs
Hands-on Analytics
Code Package
The data set and code used for the CATIE Virtual days bundled into an R project. See README for instructions.
Tips for Writing a SMART Grant
Primary Aims Analyses in a SMART
Download Follow-Along html file and open in any browser.
Secondary Aims Analyses in a SMART
Download Follow-Along html file and open in any browser.
Tips for Writing a Primary Aim Manuscript for a SMART Study
R01 Smart Grant Template: Specific Aims
Introduction to Specific Aims
Describe the general education, special education or public health problem that requires intervention or that needs to be addressed.

One paragraph
Here you may also provide any other background that the reader may need to have in order to understand the rest of the specific aims page.
Primary Aim
To test [insert the primary aim comparison; see example aims] on [insert primary outcome] (primary outcome), [insert list of secondary outcomes] (secondary).
Hypothesis: [insert the study’s primary hypothesis]

The Primary Aim is (i) the most important causal question you seek to answer and (ii) seek to provide assurances about. - These two ideas often work against each other, so find the sweet spot. This takes months.- Describe the primary vs secondary outcome(s).
Secondary Aim 1
To estimate/examine [insert a secondary aim comparison; see example aims] on the primary and secondary outcomes.
Hypothesis: [insert secondary hypothesis 1]

- As you move down the aims, you move from (i) “testing” to “exploring” (i.e, you provide fewer assurances about statistical uncertainty), (ii) easier to understand aims to more complex ones, (iii) less to more exciting scientific questions- Effect moderation always comes before mediation- Avoid observational study aims (only use causal). These can be added to an “Additional Analyses” section of the grant.
Secondary Aim 2
To estimate/examine/explore [insert a secondary aim comparison; see example aims] on the primary and secondary outcomes.
Hypothesis: [insert secondary hypothesis 2]

- As you move down the aims, you move from (i) “testing” to “exploring” (i.e, you provide fewer assurances about statistical uncertainty), (ii) easier to understand aims to more complex ones, (iii) less to more exciting scientific questions- Effect moderation always comes before mediation- Avoid observational study aims (only use causal). These can be added to an “Additional Analyses” section of the grant.
[In one sentence, summarize how the answers to these questions/aims will lead to an adaptive intervention that will improve outcomes and solve the general problem you started with. In a second sentence, explain how this study is aligned with strategic aims set out by the funding agency.]

Two lines max.